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I'm Emma from Sweden and I mostly read fantasy (adult & YA). I don't review books myself, but I love reading other people's reviews.

Currently reading

The Bonehunters
Steven Erikson
Neal Shusterman
Valley of Fires
J. Barton Mitchell
The Shadow of Tyr
Glenda Larke
Words of Radiance
Brandon Sanderson

30-Day Book Challenge: Day 6

Agnes Cecilia - Maria Gripe, Rika Lesser Norwegian Wood - Jay Rubin, Haruki Murakami StolenSTOLEN by Christopher, Lucy (Author) on May-01-2010 Hardcover - Lucy (Author) on May-01-2010 Hardcover Stolen STOLEN by Christopher

Day 6 - A book that makes you sad:

  • Maria Gripe - Agnes Cecilia.
  • Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood.
  • Lucy Christopher - Stolen.