I'm Emma from Sweden and I mostly read fantasy (adult & YA). I don't review books myself, but I love reading other people's reviews.
A little diligence on Todd Barselow, the man behind the petition Anne Rice signed. Have some coffee ready.
It's a truth universally acknowledged that, although women read more than men, and books by female authors are published in roughly the same numbers, they are more easily overlooked. Their marginalisation by top literary journals, both as reviewers and the reviewed, is confirmed in a yearly count by the organisation Vida: Women in Literary Arts. Perhaps the problem lies not with whether women are published, but how. Read more (via The Guardian)
Day 17 - Favorite quote from your favorite book:
This is my favorite quote, altough it's not from my favorite book.
"Jag ska berätta för er om kärleken", sa Inget Herrman. "Man blir inte förälskad i någon för att den är sympatisk eller osympatisk eller ens för den människans tusen goda egenskaper. Man blir förälskad i någon som väcker något inom en själv till liv."
Roughly translated to:
"I'll tell you about love," said Nothing Herrman. "You don't fall in love with someone because they're sympathetic or unsympathetic or even for that persons thousand good qualities. You fall in love with someone who stirs something within yourself to life."
Day 16 - Favorite female character:
Day 15 - Favorite male character:
I tend to focus more on the female characters while reading a book, but these are the male ones I really like.
Day 14 - Book turned movie and completely desecrated:
Day 12 - A book you love but hate at the same time:
Day 11 - A book you hated:
Day 10 - A book that reminds you of home:
Day 9 - A book you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving:
Day 8 - Most overrated book: