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I'm Emma from Sweden and I mostly read fantasy (adult & YA). I don't review books myself, but I love reading other people's reviews.

Currently reading

The Bonehunters
Steven Erikson
Neal Shusterman
Valley of Fires
J. Barton Mitchell
The Shadow of Tyr
Glenda Larke
Words of Radiance
Brandon Sanderson

Questionable Author Behaviour - An incomplete list

This list is in no way comprehensive, just a collection of blog-posts talking about Authors Behaving Badly. I did not include amazon- or GR-Reviews because a) there are far too many and b) often comments or whole reviews get deleted and in the end everything looks highly confusing and nobody knows what was actually going on. I simply don't have the time to check all these reviews to see what still makes sense for people who haven't been following them from the beginning.


Robert Stanek

Jon Stock

Eve Thomas 1 | 2 | 3

Robert Clarke Young 1 | 2



Other Blogs/Blogposts of Interest

Behind the STGRB-Files

Stop the STGRB-Bullies

RaceFail 09


These are just some cases I know about because I followed discussion about this kind of author-behaviour. I'm sure there's more. If you know of any other links you think belong on this list (or think one of those links is inaccurate) drop a comment.

Reblogged from The Book Lantern